Guardianships For Children With Disabilities
If you have a child who is disabled, you can explore various legal avenues to protect him or her. Not only can we help you plan for your child’s educational needs, but we can also assist you in pursuing guardianships or other ways of protecting your child’s safety and well-being.
At the law firm of Murphy & Murphy, P.C., our attorneys offer experienced legal services for families who have disabled children. We pride ourselves on our commitment to helping parents find the right solutions for their children with disabilities.
Devising A Plan And Making It Work
Our lawyers are here to help you craft a sound plan that will provide for your child’s needs. Planning for a child with a disability is extremely important because they may not be able to make decisions regarding their future once they reach an adult age. We can help you establish a guardianship once your child reaches the age of 18. A guardianship appointment can help enable a guardian to make medical decisions regarding the health and welfare of a disabled child if a parent is unavailable.
Our attorneys welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss whether a guardianship would be appropriate for your family. We want you to feel comfortable about making sound decisions for your child’s future.
Reach Out To Us For Experienced Legal Help
Please contact us online or call 610-863-8502 to learn more about how we can help you set up a guardianship in Monroe County, Lehigh County or Northampton County to protect a disabled child.
Our attorneys are also available to provide opinions on a recommendations you may have received from a school official, medical professional or someone else about a guardship for your child.